Delivery for special events around Baltimore, within 5 miles of our Canton location, is $50. Further deliveries are $30 an hour (round trip) plus .50 a mile from our Canton location. We add a half hour for load in and load out of pies. Please note if your route has tolls, that also will be added to delivery total. All delivery orders must be emailed to, Monday 9am-Friday 2pm, for a quote!
Need a slice or whole pie delivered quickly? Try ordering our pies via UberEats or Grubhub! Don't live in Baltimore? We deliver nationwide via Goldbelly! More information below.
Live local and craving our pies? We use UberEats, Grubhub, and DoorDash to handle the delivery of our pies to our local Baltimore customers! UberEats and Grubhub are available seven days a week, whenever our restaurants are open and accepting orders.
We partner with Goldbelly to ship pies from our kitchen to your door! We ship nationwide and our prices include special pie packaging and expedited shipping to ensure a fresh delivery. Just pick a date at check-out and we will ensure you receive it just when you want it!
* The correct internal temperature of pies should be 140°.
Mini Savory Pies or Savory Slices
350° for 15-20 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Mini Sweet Pies or Sweet Slices
350° for 5-10 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Mini Quiches or Quiches Slices
350° for 10-15 minutes or until knife inserted in the middle of the pie comes out hot.
Whole Savory Pie
350° degrees for 45-50 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Whole Quiches
350° for 25-30 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Whole Sweet Pie
350° for 15-20 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
(Pies that have been shipped or frozen at home)
Whole Frozen Savory Pie
Thaw overnight, reheat at 350° degrees for 45-50 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Whole Frozen Sweet Pies
Thaw overnight, reheat at 350° for 15-20 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Whole Custard Pies
If you wish to warm these pies: Thaw overnight, reheat at 350° for 10-15 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot. Custard pies are also delicious cold or at room temperature.
Whole Savory Pies
Bake at 350° degrees for 60-90 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot.
Whole Sweet Pies
Bake at 350° degrees for 60-90 minutes or until knife inserted in middle of pie comes out hot. You should see fruit bubbling up and have a thicker “lava” type appearance.
You may also pop our Mini Pies, out of their tins, in the microwave to desired temperature. Sweet, savory and quiche slices may also be microwaved to your desired temperature.